Wig Care

How To Take Care of your Wig

It can be easy to wear and look after any wig with a little care. If a wig or hairpiece is cared for properly it can last for a long time. There are a few tricks and techniques that can help with this. Curling Irons and hair dryers can be a disaster around your wig.

One of the main complaints of wig users would be frizz and tangles in the wig. Never use a harsh brush when brushing the wig. Synthetic wigs are particularly prone to tangles, snarls and frizz, especially ones that are curly. When dealing with a frizzy or messy wig, start by gently detangling and finger combing curls and waves back into place rather than combing or brushing them. If you need to brush the wig, a wide tooth comb is a much better option.

A spray on conditioner or a little fabric softener diluted in water can be useful if the wig needs further attention. Spray this solution with a spray bottle liberally and then work the hair carefully with a wide tooth comb. Work slowly and carefully in sections of the wig in order to restore the wig’s texture. Some tangles may not come out without ruining the wig. Allow the wig to dry on a wig stand. Try to style the damp hairs to how you want them to dry.

With a curly wig you can try to steam back the curls with hair rollers. This must be done slowly and but is not always successful.
Care needs to be taken when applying hair spray and other Wig Care products. Excessive use of products can leave a film on the hair which can cause an unpleasant smell and must be washed regularly. It is wiser to set human hair wigs with a solution of water and gel, dry thoroughly on rollers, and style. The gel is very useful in setting a style and is less prone to reactivating sweat. Hair spray can be used sparingly and is most useful in keeping flyaway hairs in place. However depending on the look that you are trying to achieve it may be very necessary to use hair spray and product. Especially for stage shows and theatre a dramatic look may only be achieved with certain products.

There is a large range of Wig Care products and Wig Accessories available on our website.

As Always if you have any Tips or Tricks regarding caring for your wig please post them on our Wig Care Posts Page.