Human V’s Synthetic

What is the Difference between Human Hair and Synthetic Fibre Wigs

Human Versus Synthetic

There are many pros and cons for both Human Hair Wigs and Synthetic Hair Wigs . In the past Human hair has always been seen as the superior product and to this day still has several advantages over Synthetic fibres. However with advancements in fibre technology some of the new fibres available are providing a more affordable and yet very realistic alternative to the ever increasingly expensive Human hair.

Human Hair Wigs Pros:
1. Human hair is very versatile as it can be cut and styled with heat as well as products. It can also be dyed although care needs to be taken when doing so and it is often recommended that this be done by a professional experienced in dealing with wigs.
2. The natural and soft feel of Human hair provides a realistic look and feel. The fibre also moves like your own hair would when affected by head movement or wind etc..
3. With proper care and attention a Human Hair wig can last considerably longer than most synthetic fibres.

Human Hair Cons:
1. More care is needed to maintain Human Hair wigs than synthetics as the hair can dry out and the use of heat when styling also means more care needs to be taken to keep the hair looking good.
2. Human Hair wigs do not hold their styling as well as synthetics so they require more styling

Synthetic Hair Wigs Pros:
1. Synthetic wigs are more affordable as the fibre is more ready available compared to good quality Human Hair.
2. Advancements in fibre technology means that synthetics can look just as natural as Human Hair Wigs.
3. The less maintenance needed makes them attractive to people who are burdened by medical conditions as they are often busy dealing with treatment or recovering from treatment to find the time needed to care for a Human Hair Wig.
4. As synthetic wigs hold the style given to them during manufacture quite well the often need very little styling each day – you can pretty much put it on and go.
5. Unlike Human Hair, synthetics are not as affected by Humid or Dry conditions

Synthetic Hair Cons:
1. Unlike Human hair heat will damage synthetic fibres so you are limited in the amount of styling that can be done to a synthetic wig.
2. Synthetics are not as durable as Human Hair wigs and will require replacing more frequently – usually between 3 – 4 months.

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